South Carolina Flag Framed


Celebrate your South Carolina heritage with this 2 X 3 South Carolina flag framed from our US state flags framed collection.

This framed South Carolina flag is handmade in the USA. Each nylon state flag is hand stretched and mounted in one of three framed styles: distressed light barnwood (as featured), dark stained barnwood, and a formal coffee-colored frame with ornate gold-tinted accents. These state flags measure 24 x 36 inches and are set in a 28 x 38 inch frame.

Note: We make every effort to depict the flag as accurately and completely as possible.

South Carolina flag meaning

The South Carolina state flag features two images against a field of blue, a white Palmetto tree in the center and a white crescent in the upper left corner. The Palmetto tree represents a historical fort defended against the British in 1776. The crescent is considered to be symbolic of various historical images including the crescent worn on the caps of South Carolina’s revolutionary soldiers.

South Carolina flag colors

South Carolina flag colors are blue and white.


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